Valves repairs and regeneration
We carry out inspections and repairs of industrial and ship fittings. After renovation, valves undergo leakage testes in the system or in the workshop. We also carry out inspections and repairs of fittings installed bellow the waterline with the cooperation of divers. We work with trusted suppliers of fittings and spare parts for valves.

Prefabrication of pipelines
We manufacture and repair steel pipelines. We work with alloyed and unalloyes steel. We make new pipelines according to customer documentation or according to our measurements. New pipelines can be connected by flanges, welded, sealed or bolted. We also perform surface maintenance on pipelines such as sandblasting, hot dip galvanizing or painting. We select inter-flange seals in accordance to the requirements of the entire installation.

Ballast water filters
We manufacture and renovate ballast water filters. We use carbon and stainless steel for production. Filters are manufactured accordance with the submited technical drawings. We perform tightness tests of manufactured and renovated filters.

Repair of kingston piping (seachests)
We carry out inspections and repairs of the entire spaces of the ballast boxes. The area of the ballast boxes includes: safety gratings, chest, suction pipelines, butterfly valves, cathodic protection, filters. Works may only be performed when the vessel is docked.